The Aquatic Centre is open this week!
Well the time has finally arrived and the aquatic centre is ready to open. Our first open day is September 4, 6.30am and we are ready for our keen swimmers. The pool will not be heated as the spring sun will soon warm it for us.
Learn to Swim, Swim Club and Squad sign-on will be September 14, 10am to 1.30pm. There will be a BBQ on offer, face painting and free entry plus a free assessment for anyone signing up.
If you wish to enquire about Aqua Aerobics, Learn to Swim for adults or stroke correction, please don’t hesitate to drop by the centre as we cater for all swimmers. Mums and bubs will be available in the warmer months ahead.
Looking forward to seeing you all splash into spring at the Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 6.30 to 11am and 3 to 5.30pm; Saturday 9am to 2pm. Phone 54863191 and press 3 for Aquatic Centre.