drought Archive

Such generous donations for our farmers!: Hello all from Rainbow Beach Droughtrunners. This is a fairly short report
The Droughtrunners Report May 2020: Like all other businesses, we have slowed to a crawl due to
Droughtrunners Report April 2020: The Droughtrunners were able to financially donate $5000 to a fencing co-ordinator
Stay with a farmer: Do you love to camp? Local firm, Camps Australia Wide, are urging
Drought Report.. Jan 2020: Another month gone and still no break in the weather across NSW
Drought Report – December 2019: Well, after five weeks away working in Victoria I am back into
Food and toiletries needed in the west please: Since our last trip to western NSW with drought supplies where conditions
Droughtrunners – September 2019: In July the Droughtrunners delivered around three ton of food supplies to
A big thank you to everyone from the Droughtrunners: Late in July I did another supply run through to Longreach with
Life in drought gets harder: As you may be aware there were massive floods in Northern Queensland