Cooloola Cove Archive

Local Ambulance Committee Make A Generous Presentation: Most of us that live within the Cooloola Coast would be aware
Speeding, Tin Can Bay – Expect police anywhere, anytime.: Senior Constable Darren Hewitt on May 23, 2022 @ 9:48am Police in
GET PREPARED FOR NATURAL DISASTERS: Natural disasters disrupt thousands of Queenslanders’ lives every year and each disaster
Gympie Region Studio Trails 2022 Applications are now Open!: Applications are now open for the Gympie Region Studio Trails 2022. Scheduled
Coolabay Choir Are In Harmony: Every Wednesday an enthusiastic group of people, who enjoy singing together, meet
Celebrating Our Long Haul Visitors: Very few feats of endurance in the animal kingdom can rival the
Du Rietz Art Awards: If you are an artist and would like a chance to win
Rainbow Beach DroughtRunners Report May 2022: Well this month we have also been known as the FloodRunners for
Heart Foundation Walking: Easter Bunny Col and his wife, our Walk Organiser, Kate Gregory, were
Chappy Chat May Edition: It has been an interesting few months since I finished up as