Cooloola Coast Archive

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Report September 2020: With the challenging and uncertain times we are living in I think
Coast Guard says prepare for Spring: Last month, we wrote about what happens when your boat breaks down,
Puff heads to Cunnamulla!: It is the end of an era for the Cooloola Dragon Boat
Come and try sailing!: Sailing has recommenced in accordance with Covid-19 precautions. The first Sunday races
Two for the price of one at City Farm Nursery: This month City Farm has “Melaleuca Salicina” going on sale with two
App’s for creative photography – Snapseed: By Julie Hartwig, Tin Can Bay Camera Club Last month we looked
Petitioners say State Government has a duty of care to deliver free air pumping service: More than 1,400 petitioners have called on the State Parliament to deliver
4WD training at Rainbow: You might have noticed a large contingent of ambulance officers at Rainbow
Wind Farm Approval: As per previous articles in this newspaper, Forest Wind Holdings is proposing
Arrive early to feed the dolphins: Hopefully Queensland will benefit with the closure of the border, however, even