Swim club celebrate
Check out the holiday activities in this issue for dates of a swim squad, weekend fun and learn to swim.
The Warriors have a Christmas party every year with each swimmer allowed to bring a friend for the evening.
We had novelty races with bon bons, Santa hats and lots of yummy food, and not to mention our scavenger hunt in the pool. This is where we get $20 in 5c pieces and throw it in the pool and let the swimmers go hard.
Our swimmers have come a long way with swimming skills since sign-up day back in September. Our first club night we had eight swimmers doing 12m events and struggling, to now hitting the 25m mark and some even qualifying for 50s!
We may be a small club but we have big dreams and high hopes, with amazing swimmers. On this note I would like to wish Annalise and Jasmin White all the best on their next adventure in Gympie. Gympie will be very lucky to have you a part of their team. May see you in the Olympics one day!