RSL Community Information Day
On Friday, September 26 the Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch will be staging a Community Information Day, from 9am to noon. Any provider, club or service can set up a table and get their message across.
Centrelink, Public Trustee, DVA and numerous other organisations have previously attended the Information Days and both the organisations and the members of the community who attended were surprised with the amount of assistance that is required or available.
Apart from all of the information that will be available for the adults there will be free kids activities and also for a gold coin donation you will be able to enjoy a Sausage Sizzle cooked on the very distinctive 4GY BBQ Kitchen manned by volunteers from the local SES.
Hopefully, this year’s event will prove as successful as previous years with our Welfare and Pension Officers and also all Volunteers and Health Providers diligently serving our community.
Should you wish to be part of the Information Day or just to find out further information you can contact Rowena on 5488 0306.