Raising Funds Instead of Raising Glasses
It was late January, while gathered to partake in a glass or two of bubbly that three friends, Kathy Carlisle, Megan Dahl, and Sally McKay decided to go dry for the month of February – and have now recovered enough from the gruelling ordeal to be public about their accomplishment (joke!).
Enter local Pyjama Angel, Deb Taylor, who was on the lookout for a fundraising idea to help out her beloved charity, The Pyjama Foundation.
Bronwyn Sheehan founded The Pyjama Foundation in 2004 to improve the lives of the community’s most vulnerable children. Alarming statistics show that poor literacy and numeracy levels in children in care can lead to a lifetime of disadvantage.
Pyjama Angels like Deb are matched to a local child in care, and through the Love of Learning Program, spend time each week with the child, reading, helping with homework, and playing educational games. This vital work helps turn around these children’s lives.
‘We saw an opportunity to help out a friend that we knew was so passionate about this deserving charity, as well as giving ourselves a little health kick in the process,’ Megan told me.
‘Although we’re all chuffed with our success, I don’t want to drink another glass of soda water for a long time,’ added Kathy as the others nodded in agreement.
Sally quipped that her partner was more relieved than she was when the month was over: ‘It was hard at times, and I may have given him the occasional grumpy look as he sipped on a beer, but I’m so proud of how we all stuck to our guns’.
‘By pledging to go dry for the month, we were able to inspire some close friends and family to support our efforts and managed to raise $885!’ She added proudly.
Amazing work ladies!
Denise Orr