Rainbow hosts RAAF reunion
A perfect destination for events, the No 3 RAAF Hospital is holding a reunion at Rainbow Beach from May 13 to 15.
This occasion has been organised by Bob Bliss, Assistant Secretary of Rainbow Beach RSL Sub-Branch, who explains, “I am trying to make this a reunion that they will remember. We have such beautiful views from the Surf Club, and a friendly atmosphere within the local community. What else could you ask for?”
With 40 present and past members expected, Bob believes, “This will help inject cash into the local area as well.”
Many are from NSW and ACT, and have never been to the Cooloola region. When Bob lobbied to have the reunion here the biggest problem was telling them where Rainbow Beach was!
The No 3 RAAF Hospital unit at RAAF Base Richmond is a rehabilitation unit for Australian Air and Ground crews with over 1000 beds. It has been involved in most humanitarian operations and most deployments since it was formed in 1941.
“I was an Environmental Health Warrant Officer on my second posting to 3 HOSP. My first posting was as a sergeant in 1982. In that time I was sent to Tonga for cyclone relief, and on return an exercise with the Hospital in New South Wales.
“My partner Ellie Campbell had a few postings (including Hawaii and Norfolk Island) to 3 Hosp and her last was in charge of the Aero Medical Evacuations equipment, replenishing supplies before the next emergency.”
The Rainbow Beach RSL will help with the afternoon service and wreath laying at the cenotaph. If you see them at their Friday night meet-and-greet, and Saturday night dinner, give them a welcome.