Rainbow Beach State School P & C Report

P&C mums, Sandra Lindenberg, Megan Braunberger and Marissa Powers, helping out on the Mother’s Day Stall at Rainbow School
Sarah Booth, Vice President
Hi readers! We’re so excited to have this opportunity each month to keep you all up to date with our ‘goings-on’ at the Rainbow Beach State School P&C.
We are here to support the school kids, the teachers and the school community. All our fundraising contributes to school camps; funding school projects; (with the school or even the student council) improving school amenities or running projects at the school such as our school garden and the new recycling project.
In the last term we ran a wonderful Father’s Day stall (yep, you can thank us for those crazy gifts). The same Father’s Day raffle some of you were lucky enough to win, which was supplied or bought with sourced donations.
The money raised from this was used to support the kids at the sports carnival with yummy treats and supplied tuckshop each week to give the kids a chance at a yummy meal and mums and dads a day off lunch making (a huge massive thank you to the wonderful BJ Parton).
We’ve purchased a new shipping container to make the storage of sports gear at the school more accessible and also to prolong the life of the equipment.
During COVID lockdown we ran a Mother’s Day stall for the kids where they could drop in and pick up a lovely gift for their mums. This one meant a lot to the mums and to the children too.
Covid has brought a new sense of community to Rainbow Beach and our P&C has changed to buy locally sourced gifts for stalls, so we can support our local businesses who continually support us and the kids at the school.
The fun part is the variety of gifts on offer and the creativity of the business community and the parents and citizens who donate.
We have some upcoming events which we would love some volunteers to assist us with. The first one is a lucrative sausage sizzle at Bunnings in Gympie in October, and the other is our monthly sausage sizzle here at the Rainbow Beach Community Markets.
Membership of the P&C is open to all school parents as well as citizens of the community, just pop along to a meeting (held monthly) and fill out a new membership form.
We’d love to have new members join us and can guarantee some awesome ‘dad’ jokes will be on offer at the meetings, thanks to our president, Jed Elmer, and principal, Steve Bennett.