Rainbow Beach Community Centre – February 2023 Update

Our famous Barbie Boys Peter Leslie, Terry, Murray Sambell and Neil Smith having a bit of fun volunteering
Volunteers welcome
The Rainbow Beach Community Centre (aka CIRS) is registered with Services Australia as a Voluntary Work Organisation, so if you’re a Job Seeker aged over 55, you may be eligible to count your volunteer hours towards your monthly 100 points target.
Jobseekers automatically earn 20 points if they are over 60 and a further 20 points for living in the Wide Bay region. That means their Points Based Activation System target is reduced to 60 points per month.
Volunteering for two days per week at an approved Voluntary Work Organisation will earn those 60 points. CIRS can also accommodate volunteers who do a combination of casual work and volunteering. Talk to us and we can make volunteer arrangements that work for you.
Our volunteers can choose from a range of roles to donate their time to, both in and out of our office. If you have skills in web design, social media, or research skills, we would love to hear from you. Or if you prefer maintenance, cleaning or filing jobs, please come and see us.
We always need Market helpers and you can choose to help before, during or after each Market Day on the second Saturday of each month.
Volunteering means just that – offering your services freely for our local community. We understand that Rainbow Beach locals are adventurers who don’t like to be tied down to regular commitments so we have volunteer roles that can accommodate nomadic, sporadic and sometimes enigmatic volunteers.
New residents are also welcome to come in and find their own ways to be part of our community by bringing their life skills and experience to the Community Centre. Call into our office or email cirssecretary@gmail.com
Farewell to Jeff
Our much-valued volunteer cleaner Jeff Pamenter finishes up this month and while we are sad to see him go, we wish him the best for his northern adventure.
Jeff has been a godsend for CIRS, and cleaned the hall facilities whenever asked, some weekends more than once. He does a great job, too. So, for sure, the next small coastal village he moves to will welcome him with open arms too.
Farewell and best wishes from all of us, Jeff.
Community Centre Meeting Room
As the air-conditioners are still out of action, CIRS have moved all office bookings to the meeting room next door, between CIRS and Rainbow Beach Library.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, employment and disability employment services provider APM will now meet with clients in the meeting room instead of the office. It is a light and airy space for meetings with better natural ventilation and its own entrance for more privacy.
Bookings are required for the meeting room and hire charges are the same as for the office – $30 for half day, $54 dollars for full day. To book, call into CIRS during office hours, call 5486 3355 or email rainbowbeachcommunitycentre@gmail.com
Books for sale, books wanted
CIRS manages the Rainbow Beach Community Centre and Hall on behalf of Gympie Regional Council. The hall bookings raise funds to cover costs such as public liability insurance, cleaning products, toilet paper and general maintenance costs for the hall.
We are an unfunded community centre offering office services such as printing, laminating, scanning, computer and internet access for a small fee to the general public. CIRS members receive a 50% discount.
Membership is only $5 per year and falls due on 1 January each year. Renewal notices will be emailed this month and new members sign up at the CIRS office. We are now open Wednesdays so drop in Mon-Fri 8.30am to 4pm.
We also sell secondhand books for $1 or $2 and offer an exchange system to provide cheap access to some good reading for residents and visitors.
Our longest-serving volunteer Val Davison sells books on Saturday mornings from 8.30am to 12.30pm so pop in and say hello. You’ll recognise Val by her impeccable style of matching accessories.
We gladly accept donations of books any time, and if you are interested in becoming a volunteer bookseller, we would love to hear from you.
Attention: Renters! QSTARS visit
Rainbow Beach tenants are not alone in their struggles to find secure housing. There are many complex reasons for the current shortage of long term rental properties and a lot of locals have found themselves unable to secure or renew their leases.
So what rights do they have? Where can they go for advice? Who will advocate for them or give them the tools they need to work out the best solution?
QSTARS is a free, independent advice and referral service for all Queensland renters and they are coming to Rainbow Beach Community Hall on Friday 3 February from 11.30am to 1.00pm for a free information session for renters.
QSTARS can assist you with:
- advice and assistance to understand your tenancy rights and responsibilities
- support to resolve your tenancy issue
- helping you to talk to your lessor or agent
- help to write a letter or fill in tenancy forms
- help to attend or prepare for a QCAT tenancy tribunal hearing
- referral to other services if needed
The QSTARS program is funded by the Queensland Government, managed by Tenants Queensland, and delivered in collaboration with partner organisations across Queensland.
Call QSTARS on 1300 744 263 if you need advice on a tenancy matter or visit www.qstars.org.au
All Cooloola Coast residents are welcome to this free information session. For catering purposes, please book in person at the CIRS office (open Mon-Fri 8.30 to 4pm) or call 5486 3355 or email cirssecretary@gmail.com for more information.