QCWA A Winner With Country Kitchens

The Rainbow Beach Learning Community enjoyed the recent ‘Grub and Grubs’ information session hosted by QCWA Country Kitchens Facilitator Gabriella.

The Rainbow Beach Learning Community enjoyed the recent ‘Grub and Grubs’ information session hosted by QCWA Country Kitchens Facilitator Gabriella.

At the Coffee and Craft morning held on 7 December representatives, Joleen and Elizabeth, from the Council on the Ageing Queensland (COTA) presented an information session about their roles as Community Connectors in Regional Queensland.

COTA promotes older peoples’ rights and advocates to the Government for changes to policies, services, and structures which are designed to support and enable people to live in safety and receive the best possible care when needed.

The COTA representatives collected information from the ladies present regarding some of the many issues that affect the older residents in our Cooloola Coast Communities. The website is www.cotaqld.org.au or email info@cotaqld.org.au – your input and opinions matter!

At the QCWA State Conference held at the Empire Theatre in Toowoomba at the beginning of November, Gabriella – one of our Country Kitchens Facilitators — received The Country Kitchens Rising Star Award.

Country Kitchens is a collaboration with the Department of Health and Wellbeing Queensland and the QCWA. Following their training, Branch Facilitators with the support of the CK Team, which is made up of Dieticians and Nutritionists, promote ways on how to adopt healthier lifestyle choices.

The QCWA’s Country Kitchens program is improving food and nutrition literacy, and importantly, influencing behaviour change at a grass roots level within communities.

At the end of November, a Country Kitchens Interactive Showcase with 20 children was held with the Rainbow Beach Learning Community where Gabriella, assisted by Mollie and Judith, shared an information session about our Native Foods.

The children and the adults were able to see, smell and taste some of our unique foods. They all sang a song, played games, and were encouraged to share their experiences. It was wonderful to see how the children were intrigued and interested in the presentation which was titled ‘Grub and Grubs’.

At the end of the presentation each child received a goodie bag and a piece of the Carrot and Pineapple Slice with the recipe and other items and a chance to taste crickets!

Fun was had by members and partners at our Branch Christmas party which was held at Quay Carlo on 24 November and combining a ferry ride with lunch made the day even more special.


Craft and coffee will resume on 1 and 8 February 2023

1st and 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10.00am to Noon at 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.


Clubhouse, Cooloola Waters Retirement Village.  34 Toolara Road, Tin Can Bay.

Third Wednesday of the month 9.30am for a 10.00am start.

All Enquiries Wendy – 0412 547 043 or Judy – 0402 769 392.

Gabriella Field

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