Probus Celebrated Worldwide
October was Probus Month, and was celebrated all over the world by Probus members.
Several Cooloola Coast Probus Club members carpool to regularly attend Morning Melodies at the Gympie RSL and enjoy the variety of entertainment provided.
The monthly morning tea in September was at Temptations Cafe in Tin Can Bay where we were pleased to see a busy crowd – mainly locals supporting this local business.
As the expected Guest Speaker was indisposed, member Kaye Olson was asked to fill in and she entertained us with two hilarious snippets: annoyances at the Olson’s – needing a plumber and an electrician; and a tale of the relationships between the cats in the Olson household.
Kaye finished by reading the poem ‘Warning’ by Jenny Joseph, with its message of old age as a time for indulgence and fun – very pertinent to Probus members.
The lack of a community bus since the Lions Bus is no longer in Tin Can Bay was lamented. Perhaps a Grant application to purchase a replacement should be considered – a joint one from various Tin Can Bay and Cooloola community organisations. We will follow that idea up.
Members will join our community on 5 November for the 100 year birthday celebrations for Tin Can Bay on Tom Steele Oval, and plans for our Christmas party are well underway.
Meetings are held on each second Monday of the month at 2pm at the Sandcastle Motel in Tin Can Bay. Contact Cherryl: 0409 044 100 or Katrina:
Katrina van den Brenk