Nippers carnival is here!
Over 800 competitors are expected for the 2016 Nippers Carnival on October 15.
The fluorescent pink rash shirts are everywhere on the beach, and the town is booked out as families and clubs make the most of the first carnival of the season.
The junior carnival is known for the friendly rivalry as the nippers compete in Deep Water Wades (U8), Wade Race (U8-9), Flags (all ages), Ironperson (U11-14), Sprints (all ages), Surf Race (U9-14), Boards (U9-14).
And it is not too late to join Nippers, with the first session for 2016/2017 season starting on October 2!
The Rainbow Beach Nippers program is for boys and girls aged between 5 and 13 years of age (age as at September 30).
It involves a two-hour commitment each Sunday and cost only $165 per family!
So come and join our friendly Nippers Club. To find out more call: Nerissa 0408 731 104 or Nicole 5486 3249.