More trivia at the Tin Can Bay RSL!

Sue Hoyle won Best Dressed Hippie for the night with Tezza Terry Giles from the winning trivia team – come along to the next RSL trivia night June 17
It was a full house at the Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch Inc and a great night was had by all. Everyone’s welcome to join in the fun, non-members included – only $15 per person, bar open, finger food and dessert, lucky door prizes and raffle. The hosts are Anthony and Mike. Book a table today for 6pm for 6.30pm start on June 17.
June 6 Carers Support Group
Carers provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.
If you are a Carer or just want to find out some information please come along to a Carers QLD Australia Support Group. Enjoy a coffee and chat with like – minded people.
Meetings commence at 10am. To speak to one of the Welfare or Pension Officers just phone the sub branch. Refreshments provided. Please pass this information on to your family and friends as it is really worthwhile to attend.
June 21 Cooloola Connect
Welfare awareness seminar held at Tin Can bay RSL. Find out about what is happening and what services are available within the local area. 10am -12 noon. Refreshments available, all welcome to attend, free admission. Any queries please contact Maureen or Gerry 07 5486 4224.
Veterans working with the community: Tin Can Bay RSL Sub Branch Inc, 45 Gympie Road, Tin Can Bay QLD 4580. Phone: 07 5486 4224 or 5486 2110,