Meet the Tin Can Bay Treadlies
The sport of cycling has been popular in Europe for decades and remains a major part of the culture with many using this mode of transport as an efficient, frugal, environmentally safe way to travel.
While Australia has been slower to adopt the sport, one group of energetic and enthusiastic cyclists have been meeting up to three times a week to ride, socialise and participate in the sport they love.
Two decades ago locals Alan Jones and Roy Yeeles were regular riders in the area and in June 2010 June Grimmett sent out an email suggesting they should ride together as a social group, and so The Tin Can Bay Treadlies was formed.
The Treadlies are a healthy group of men and women who love the opportunity to ride in this amazing region. They also travel around Noosa, Cooran, Pomona, Kin Kin and often compete outside the area at events such as the 100 km cycle raising money for MS.
One of their special rides is the ride along the beach to Double Island Point and back on their mountain bikes at low tide. Wherever they go they enjoy trying out the local cafes and love to meet the locals.
With decades of riding experience between them, the riders comprise a mix of professions, ages, abilities, personalities and fitness levels; all with a good story to tell.
The riders are aged from the baby at 51 to the eldest who will be 80 in a few months, and love the sport for its camaraderie as much as the opportunity to stay fit and keep their bodies physically active.
Ex Pro Cyclist, Allen Pooley, and wife Carol are new residents to Tin Can Bay, and says: “I have been riding for years but up here it is heaven, no traffic, and really good riding compared to Gold Coast.”
The riders meet most Mondays, Wednesdays, and on the weekends and ride from 3 to 80 kilometres depending on their experience, skill and fitness level and would love others of all abilities to join them.
They have two groups – a team for beginners and a format for riders wanting more of a challenge.
“All you need to join is a bike and a helmet. It’s not just for fitness, it has a great social side too,” said Alan.
They did agree there is confusion with the road rules but agree drivers are predominantly courteous and happy to share the road.
Teacher Kerry Jenkins said: “Overwhelmingly people are polite and considerate which they appreciate. Everybody in the group makes an effort to be visible.”
The rule for drivers when passing cyclists is to allow 1m when passing a bicycle rider in a 60km/h or less speed zone or 1.5m where the speed limit is over 60km/h.You may cross the double white lines without penalty. Visit:
There are rules for cyclists too and these riders are well aware of their responsibilities on the road to ensure both riders and drivers remain safe.