Marine search and rescue, K’gari (Fraser Island)

Update 3: The search and rescue operation for a man, missing from a vessel which sunk off Sandy Cape at the northern tip of K’gari three days ago, has today been suspended.

The man in his 60s was approximately five nautical miles off the Island when an emergency radio call was made at 8.30pm on Sunday, May 14.

Police and emergency services conducted a wide-ranging surface and aerial search, involving multiple aircraft and vessels.

Following the rescue of one crewmember, a 25-year-old woman visiting from overseas, all subsequent efforts have failed to locate the skipper.

Wide Bay District Regional Search Coordinator Rowan Treiguts said the outcome was heart-breaking for the family of the missing man.

“Despite our best efforts, we have been unable to locate the man and bring him home to his loved ones,” Senior Constable Treiguts said.

“We have liaised closely with his family and discussed the sad news regarding the likelihood of survival; they have asked for privacy during this difficult time.”

Senior Constable Treiguts praised the efforts of everyone involved in the search.

“We want to thank each and every person who assisted and who provided support during the search,” he said.

“The weather conditions were challenging, but our crews remained dedicated and professional.”

“While we hold serious concerns for the man’s welfare, I ask the boating community to be vigilant and to report any sightings or information to police immediately.”

Senior Constable Treiguts reminded boaties to be prepared and remain alert to conditions.

“Be mindful of changing weather conditions,” he said

“Before you set out, ensure you tell a responsible person about your itinerary and to raise the alarm early if you come into trouble.”

“And always wear your life jacket, as conditions change unexpectedly.”

Update 2: Emergency crews involved in a search and rescue for two people missing off Sandy Cape at the northern tip of K’gari (Fraser Island) overnight have located one woman.

Initial information indicates approximately 8.30pm on May 14, two people were aboard a vessel when they radioed, advising their boat was taking on water.

Police and emergency services commenced a search and rescue involving multiple aircraft and vessels.

This morning, aircraft located one woman in the water.

The woman was retrieved by a rescue helicopter at approximately 11.30am.

She will be airlifted to Bundaberg Hospital for treatment.

The search continues for a missing male.

A search is underway off Sandy Cape at the northern tip of K’gari (Fraser Island) following reports of a marine incident overnight.

Initial information indicates approximately 8.30pm on May 14, two people were aboard a vessel when they radioed, advising their boat was taking on water.

Police and volunteer marine services commenced an air and water search, however, have so far failed to locate the vessel or the two people.

The search is continuing involving multiple aircraft and vessels, including Police vessel SW GILL and Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) Hervey Bay.

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