Learning Community

The Rainbow Beach Learning Community Group after a magical walk to Lake Poona

The Rainbow Beach Learning Community Group after a magical walk to Lake Poona


This term, children involved in the Tuesday and Thursday programs at the Community Centre will have the opportunity to:

  • sew a tote bag;
  • tap into their creativity with Mo, our resident artist, who will be helping them create a life-sized turtle made out of recycled rubbish to stress the importance of looking after our oceans to celebrate World Oceans Day that is coming up soon;
  • cook up a storm making pumpkin soup and sourdough rolls;
  • have fun with robotics;
  • decorate their own Rainbow Learning t-shirt with Ze;
  • take a trip to the lighthouse at Double Island Point;
  • visit Cooloola Berries for a farm tour and icecream and the new adventure playground at Cooroy;
  • get into nature under the guidance of Diane from Queensland Parks & Wildlife;
  • learn basic first aid skills from Cindy at Hartbeat Training;
  • have a visit from Elaine from Gympie Bunnings;
  • and hopefully catch some fish which we have been wanting to do since the beginning of last term!

We have a wonderful group of young people attending the Learning Community and it is great to see them getting along so well, despite the difference in their ages.

This article was sent to me by a mother of one of the children:

It’s a funny old world, isn’t it? For thousands of years, humans lived, worked, played and learned in groups of various ages. A child was just as likely to spend time with his grandmother, as he was to be in the company of a younger child.

What was odd, was finding anyone spending most of their time exclusively with their peer age group.

Chappy Chat Coffee Club flyerAnd then, the modern education system, being wise and efficient, sorted children into classrooms based on age. This way all nine-year-olds could learn at a nine-year-old’s level. Only, not all nine-year-olds learn at the same pace. Some might be better suited with the seven-year-olds in maths or the thirteen-year-olds in English.

Some may still want to play imaginary games at recess, while others have grown too mature for such trivialities.

This classroom thinking has leaked into every area of our lives. The idea that children should only play with others of their own age, is a very recent one. When viewed through a different lens it seems odd.

Consider that after reaching adulthood our friends begin to spread out over a variety of ages.

One of my greatest joys is seeing the different ages at our Wild+Free outings playing together. Big teens helping toddlers cross creeks, small people having a voice even with the older children.

There is no hierarchy, just children playing. The older children show the little ones how to construct lean-to forts. The smaller children point out mushrooms and insects and everyone oohs and ahhs. They are an organic community. Similar interests unite them into friendships, not age brackets.

The benefits for all are wonderful. Older kids have the freedom to tarry in childhood a bit longer. Younger kids have a wise companion to help and teach them. Older children benefit from the responsibilities of leadership and nurturing. Young ones benefit from the attention and care of “the big kids”.

What a beautiful childhood for all.

Community Bush Dance

Have you ever been to a bush dance? They are great fun for the whole family and you don’t need to know the moves as the caller will lead you through what you need to do at the start of each new song!

Come along and meet the families involved in the Rainbow Beach Learning Community at our Bush Dance on Saturday 25 June from 5-9pm at the Community Centre. Entertainment will be provided by band ‘Flashjack’ that plays Celtic and traditional Australian music.

Early bird tickets will be for sale up until 10 June at $15 for adults, $40 for a family of 2 adults and children under 15, $10 for children over 15, with children under 2 FOC. After 10 June, tickets will cost $20 for adults, $50 for a family of 2 adults and children under 15, $15 for children over 15 with children under 2 FOC.

Soups, stews, and grazing boxes will be for sale from 5pm with the bush dance starting at 6pm. You can pre-order a $15 grazing box for 2-3 people or a $25 grazing box for 4-6 people when you purchase your tickets that are available from Rainbow Fruits. All tickets include a delicious supper that will be served from 8pm. You can also contact Tyla on 0432 651 722 to purchase tickets.

Leading up to the bush dance, families are invited to create a scarecrow that will form part of the decorations on the night with a People’s Choice Award for the most popular entry.

Community Pantry

Hampers are being provided for 30 local families with supplies from Foodbank in Brisbane being transported to Gympie by McClintock’s Transport.

Visit our new Facebook page www.facebook.com/Rainbow-Beach-Community-Pantry if you would like to register for a hamper that includes fresh fruit and veggies and pantry items.

Hampers can be picked up on Thursday mornings from the Community Centre car park. Please contact Ronnie on 0413 135 867 if you would like to be added to the list.

Chappy Ronnie

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