Rainbow Beach State School is a great place to learn!

Our recent dress-up parade was the highlight of the week-long Annual Book Fair that saw students and staff go to amazing lengths to foster a love of reading.

Our recent dress-up parade was the highlight of the week-long Annual Book Fair that saw students and staff go to amazing lengths to foster a love of reading.

Reach for a Rainbow

As we approached the mid-year school holidays, we were busy completing our first semester units of work. We have seen students and teachers working very hard to ensure the best possible outcomes are realised for all students.

We are also exploring some new and exciting experiences and planning to provide lots of engaging opportunities for the children to enjoy.  These include camps, excursions, incursions and preparing for the transition of our seniors to High School and our youngest children into KindyLinQ, Kindy, and Prep.

I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on a couple of the many positives that I see at Rainbow Beach State School. I believe the success of our school is largely due to our people!

Over the years we have had some truly dedicated teachers deliver learning opportunities with our young children and partner with parents to support each child’s learning.

Our staff have done a remarkable job in recent years catering to the learning needs of our children and providing safe, inspiring, and holistic support to every student. Each of our staff make significant contributions to our school, students, and their families; their extra efforts can never be underestimated.

For some time now, we have had a number of programs that are aimed at supporting all children and their families through their early years of education. This partnership with parents starts prior to Prep enrolment with programs that include Playgroup, KindyLinQ, and now Kindy that have continued to grow and have provided invaluable support of young people and their families into our school community.

These initiatives have offered support and guidance to families and ensured the school is well prepared for the support the needs of the children on entry to school. We are proud of the results our school can achieve and the way we can support students in their development.

Our success is made possible by the strong relationships formed with families and our shared responsibility to do whatever it takes in order for students to be successful.

We are looking forward to some more exciting events being planned for Term 3 that include an incursion from the Queensland Opera, a whole school trip to Gympie for Small School Sports day, Choir Eisteddfod, School Fishing Day, and much, much more.  You will have to wait for the next issue to hear more about these exciting events.

Principal Steve Bennett

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