Large-Scale Model Muster Makes A Return

Best Monoplane and also Pilot’s Choice winner: P-47 Thunderbolt belonging to Mick Ryan

Best Monoplane and also Pilot’s Choice winner: P-47 Thunderbolt belonging to Mick Ryan

The Tin Can Bay Model Flying Club hosts many events throughout the year, but the Large-Scale Model Muster is a club run event and was held on the 1-3 October 2022 in Tin Can Bay.

After a hiatus of three years due to Covid and inclement weather, this year’s event saw some 32 entrants from far and wide visit for some flying and chin wagging.

We also include Turbine models in the invite as they’re always good to see; two made it along this year. The models varied from all eras of manned flight from World War one through to a large-scale model of Burt Rutan’s Quickie, the real one first flew in 1977.

The weather, mainly wind, did deter some of the more lightly loaded aircraft taking to the air on Saturday and the rain Sunday was the nail in the coffin for a couple. As always, the public were invited to come along to view proceedings with quite a few coming along.

The club endeavoured to entice sponsorship from various modelling establishments around the country. It was South Australia’s Balsa Central who rallied to the call, supplying a mixed balsa pack in support. We also had some locally produced laser-cut ply coasters for 1st place getters.

The club has some trophies which hang in the kitchen. It was decided to use these as awards for the following categories with these results.

  • Best Biplane                Roger Marshall with his Ag. Cat
  • Best Monoplane            Mick Ryan with his large P-47 Thunderbolt
  • Best ARF (almost ready to fly)        Mark Linwood with his C130 Hercules
  • Pilot’s Choice                Mick Ryan with his large P-47 Thunderbolt

Tin Can Bay Model Flying Club is family friendly and always looking for new members to keep this fantastic hobby going –

Bill Wheeler

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