Heart Foundation Walking
Easter Bunny Col and his wife, our Walk Organiser, Kate Gregory, were helped by their visiting grandchildren to provide an Easter egg hunt for the very lucky ‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’ walkers.
Love that we had ‘Healthy Choice’ (hard boiled eggs) as well as chocolate eggs Big thank you to photographers Denise, Linda F, and Melissa for their photos.
How great that we were able to enjoy the Cod Street to Norman Point Boardwalk being open for Easter!
‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’ early walking group departs from Tin Can Bay Bakery at 6.30am led by Denise and Kate,on Wednesdays and Saturdays; the later group leaves at 7am with Kristine, Bev, and myself.
‘Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers’ decided we now meet an hour later at 9am Mondays and Fridays at the Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre Bus Shelter on Nautilus Drive. Queries? Contact Judy Kiddle 5486 2181 or myself.
Congratulations to Verna for achieving 25 walks; to Carmel, Chris, Maxine, and Mike for your 50 walks; and to Linda Murphy and Peter J for your first 100. Award Certificates and vouchers are in the mail. Linda and Peter also receive a commemorative Heart Foundation Walking pin.
Walk Yourself Happy! It’s free, fun and a great way to improve our physical, mental, social, and emotional health. Maggie Travers, Walk Organiser, 0400 756 615.