GRC Rolling Grants are Still Open!

If your community group has a project in mind but is not sure how to fund it, then check out these minor grants from Gympie Regional Council. The rolling grant round is open until 31 May 2023.


Maximum grant amount: $1,500 (no applicant co-contribution is required)

To support communities impacted by the effects of COVID-19 and natural disaster to deliver activities and events that enable social connectedness and recovery.


  1. Increase community connection, sense of belonging and community wellbeing through the delivery of a range of small-scale community events and activities;
  2. Activate public and community spaces (e.g. halls, parks, community facilities);
  3. Provide free or low cost events and activities for the community to participate in;
  4. Support local musicians and entertainers;
  5. Where practical, stimulate the local economy through use of local contractors and/or suppliers.

Project examples:

  • A community carnival
  • A club open day
  • Free concert in the park/hall promoting local musicians
  • Neighbour Day events


Maximum grant amount: $1,500 (no applicant co-contribution required)

To improve environmental outcomes in the region through the delivery of small-scale community events and activities that align with priorities in Council’s Environment Strategy.


  1. Biodiversity and habitat protection
  2. Adapting to a changing climate and natural hazard management
  3. Improving land management practices that influence water quality and waterway health
  4. Energy efficiency and the addition of renewable energy

Project examples:

  • Environmental education and awareness programs, including signage
  • Native plant revegetation
  • Bird and butterfly attracting gardens
  • Habitat enhancement
  • Worm farm and composting education
  • Reduce, Re-use, Recycle education
  • Weed control or rubbish collection on Council owned or managed properties

For more information on the Get Local or Micro Environment grant guidelines or how to apply contact the Community Development Team by phone 1300 307 800 or by email


The Regional Arts Development Fund is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Gympie Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland. The grant can cover up to 60% of the total project costs.

RADF supports projects that respond to one or more of the Strategic Themes as set out in Council’s Arts and Cultural Plan 2025-2025 of People, Place, Past and Possibility. Applicants must also respond to all of the Art’s Queensland criteria of quality, reach, impact and viability.

For more information contact Council’s RADF Liaison Officer by phone on 5481 0774 or by email

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