GRC Corporate Plan and you
Gympie Regional Council have begun the process of renewing their Corporate Plan. The current five-year plan only covers until 2022, so work needs to start now on preparing the next one.
So…what exactly is a Corporate Plan? Good question.
The Corporate Plan is the lead strategic planning document that drives Council’s fundamental decision making, reporting framework, annual budget and operational planning process.
It is considered one of the most important documents in a council, as it sets the vision and provides the basis from which Council’s strategies, plans and policies are developed.
The annual Operational Plan must align with the Corporate Plan – councillors are responsible to ensure the local government achieves its Corporate Plan and all employees of Council have the responsibility to carry out their duties to ensure the local government achieves its Corporate Plan.
But how do YOU fit into this?
As part of the development of a new Corporate Plan there must be community engagement and this will be happening in the not-too-distant future.
It is recommended that you jump on to the GRC website and check out the current 2017-22 Corporate Plan so you have an understanding of what has been driving Council for the last five years.
Key themes of the current plan are:
Ensuring our infrastructure is well planned, integrated, and safe.
Ensuring our community is active, diverse, creative, and engaged.
Ensuring our economy is dynamic, productive and resilient.
Our environment is sustainable, well-managed and accessible.
Our organisation is accountable, responsive, efficient and innovative.
Mayor Mick Curran said of the 2017-2022 plan: “The corporate plan is the blueprint that will enable us to build a strong, inclusive and economically vibrant region.”
How do you feel they went achieving that?
Keep an eye out for notices for the community engagement phase of the Corporate Plan development, so that you can have your chance to contribute to planning the region’s next five years.
Division 1 Councillor Jess Milne says: “I encourage everyone to get involved with the community engagement as this document will set the direction of Council for the next half decade, so it’s very important to have your say when the time comes.”