Drought Aid
The latest report from Western Queensland… Lately you would not have seen many press reports from the drought-affected areas, although 85% of Qld is still drought declared.
Maybe the press have been gagged, because help is not going to these areas from a state or federal level.
If it wasn’t for volunteer organisations like Drought Angels, Aussie helpers, Burrumbuttock Hayrunners and others, I would hate to think how many families in the West would be surviving.
Of course many areas have had good rains, with a fair germination of herbage and weeds, but not such a good germination of grasses.
Most properties are letting pastures germinate and seed this year as the price of stocking properties is prohibitive, with cattle at an all time high and sheep expensive and good food for wild dogs.
It certainly has not rained money out West with many families having no stock, no income and no government support. I spoke to a property owner last week between Longreach and Winton, and they are shearing 2400 sheep from an original flock of 15,000. They were hoping to cover shearing costs.
The distance from Longreach to Winton is 180kms and only three properties on the highway have families on them.
Donations over the last month have been slow with most coming from friends in Victoria through Facebook.
I must thank our local IGAs who have been most helpful along, with Sharon, Rod and staff at Ed’s Beach Bakery with the collections tin.
Donations can be left in the shopping trolley at the IGAs. Forget the Big W, they would not help at all, so I know where my allegiance lies.
Anyway our appeal will have to continue for some time yet. Any small donation would be gratefully accepted and tax deductible over $2.
Tony Stewart 0408767930. (Working under auspice of St Brigid’s Church Longreach).