Drop-in Sausage Sizzle Supports Tin Can Bay Community

Tezza, son Matt, and Gail having fun at the RSL’s Drop-in Sausage Sizzle

Tezza, son Matt, and Gail having fun at the RSL’s Drop-in Sausage Sizzle

As I enter the Tin Can Bay RSL, adjusting my mask, the smell of BBQ sausages and fried onions greets me like a long lost friend and any mask-related inconvenience is forgotten.

Terry Giles, affectionately known as Tezza, is the RSL’s laconic social coordinator. He is also chief cook and bottle washer for the sausage sizzle.

Don’t worry, wife Rowena and the rest of the family are on hand to help out. Tezza is a long-term resident of Tin Can Bay who spent much of his working life with the Railway, firstly in Bankstown in Sydney and then in Ipswich.

Rowena sidles up to Tezza: “Six for the gang on the balcony please.” “No worries”, he responds with a cheeky grin and settles back in behind the BBQ.

“We kicked off these sausage sizzles a few years ago to provide a venue for veterans to get information about support programs. They were successful then so we decided to start them up again last year. We are going through two to three dozen sausages every Drop-in Friday and the demand is growing.”

I look around. Allan and Neil are sitting across from me having a chat about their work experiences around Australia. Adelaide and the girls are at their regular table in the corner talking up a storm.  Gail works in the bar on Tuesdays and Thursdays and has dropped in for something to eat and a chat.

Everyone is looking relaxed and is enjoying themselves. What a great idea Terry. Thank you for your service!

The RSL’s free Drop-in Sausage Sizzle is a monthly event, held on the first Friday of every month. The next sausage sizzle is on at the Tin Can Bay RSL on 4 March from 11.30am to 1.30pm. All the community is welcome to attend.

Ross Carruthers

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