Dragons invite you to their lair

Tired but happy Dragons cleaning up after a busy morning in the Dragon’s Lair Cafe at the TCB Markets. L to R: Sandra Wooster, Sandra Binnie, Kerri Southern, Dianne Norris
Gwyn Moore
Last month Cooloola Dragons members had the privilege of viewing a film produced by a New Zealand Pinkies Dragon Boat team, filmed over 12 months as they trained and prepared for a regatta in Auckland.
Members of Pinkies Dragon Boat teams are all women who have survived breast cancer. The physical as well as mental mountain to climb has to be admired. The film demonstrated not only the determination and commitment to the physical side to their training but also the importance of the camaraderie within the team.
Cooloola Dragons have always placed great value in camaraderie within our team as well as physical fitness. To this end we are into training for our next regatta at Lake Kawana on 21 November.
The Cooloola Dragons can be found in the RSL Hall every 3rd Saturday of each month at the Tin Can Bay Markets – in our Dragon’s Lair Cafe.
Come to the Dragon’s Lair on market day and get your cooked hot breakfast or if you prefer, enjoy a coffee/tea and home cooked cake!
Cooloola Dragons are on the water Thursday afternoons and Sunday mornings, weather permitting. We would love you to come and try with us!
For more info please phone coach Sandy Wooster mobile 0402352756