Draft RV Strategy released for public feedback

Gympie Council RV StrategyThe draft Recreational Vehicle Strategy is now open.

After collecting over 500 responses from Gympie locals, visitors, businesses, industry and government representatives, the draft Gympie Recreational Vehicle (RV) Strategy is ready for public feedback.

In a series of surveys and interviews in late 2018, respondents were asked questions about the needs of RV tourists how to attract and encourage tourists to stay in the region, and existing and potential opportunities for RV tourism. Some sites that have been identified for potential use are the Gympie Showgrounds RV Park, the Rattler Precinct RV Park, the Amamoor Our Towns Endorsed Site and the Gunalda Our Towns Endorsed Site.

Portfolio councillor for economic development, Glen Hartwig, invited the community to have their say on the draft RV Strategy.

“Recreational Vehicle tourism is on the rise and we want as many people as possible travelling through, and taking advantage of our spectacular region.

“However, Council’s RV Strategy will ultimately be shaped by the community and I encourage anyone who has an interest in this project to provide their feedback.”

There are several ways to provide feedback on the strategy.

During the 4-week feedback period, a series of drop in sessions will be held cross the Gympie region providing the community and visitors with the opportunity to find out more on the draft strategy and share their views.

Four sessions have been planned with the first being held at the Tin Can Bay RSL Hall (45 Tin Can Bay Road) on 27 February from 4.30pm-7.30pm, followed by Kandanga Public Hall (81 Main Street) on 28 February between 4.30pm-7.30pm. The Gympie Civic Centre (32 Mellor Street) will host the third session on 5 March between 4.30pm-7.30pm with the final session held at the Kilkivan Public Hall (31 Bligh Street) on 6 March between 4.30pm-7.30pm.

You can also have your say online at www.gympie.qld.gov.au/haveyoursay.

Hard copies will also be available for viewing at Council’s customer contact points and libraries throughout the region.

Feedback can also be emailed to planningprojects@gympie.qld.gov.au or posted to Gympie Regional Council, Attention: Planning Strategy and Major Projects, PO Box 155, GYMPIE QLD 4570.

Submissions close 18 March 2019.

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