Welcome Bush to the Beach kids!

Tony Stewart - bush to beach drought supportFor all sponsors, students and townspeople, you are cordially invited to a BBQ evening at the Community Hall on Thursday September 14 at 4pm to meet and hear how life is in the Bush.

Organised by Rainbow Beach Droughtrunners and Tin Can Bay Lions Club, and funded by the gala concert, 34 visitors from Muttaburra and Ilfracombe Schools, including teachers, making the long trip from the drought area.

Our guests arrive September 10 and will be accommodated at Cathy House, run by the Tin Can Bay Lions Club until Friday 15.

Says organiser Tony Stewart, “We have fortunately been able to hire a 34-seat Bus from Jeff Barton in Gympie at a very reasonable rate. The holiday inventory: UnderWater World, Australia Zoo, Strawberry Farm, and dolphin feeding including breakfast donated by Barnacles Cafe.

“Hopefully we can get them kayaking or whale spotting at DI Point and of course they are breaking their necks to jump in the ocean, most having never seen the sea.”

Rainbow Beach Transport and Kristie Pamenter have each contributed $100 for petrol – more donations to refuel the kids’ bus would be gratefully accepted.

“The Western Queensland drought will continue until storm rains arrive and hopefully a great monsoon season.”

Another load of food parcels left for Longreach late August, and Tony has started compiling items for October.

Tony thanks the IGAs (please drop food items in the donation trolley), Revlon, Rainbow Ocean Palms, Nick and Denise Kirwin, The Watts family for their delicious fruitcakes, Margaret Turmaine and most of all the generous donations from Victorian farmers.

“I honestly hope this drought ends soon, as donations are harder to source with such a large area of the country in drought.”

Call Tony Stewart to find out how you can help:  0408767930

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