Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends need a leader
by Vice President Jackie Moore
We would like to hear from anyone who is interested in taking on the position president for the coming year. Expect varied duties, and good team support. This would suit a community minded resident who is interested in the future growth, and overall improvement of our area.
Contact any of the new executive for more information:
President: Position not filled / Vice-President Jackie Moore 5686 2754
Secretary David Midolo 5488 0644 / Treasurer Joan Creswell 5488 0436
Committee D. McKeiver /P. Moore/R. Foo/ P. Connolly
Thanks to Sue Johnson of Neighbourhood Watch for chairing the AGM.
This steadily growing area needs more facilities, and improvements on what we already have. Our aim is to improve the local areas for all residents and visitors alike, and have many volunteers who are keen to bring about future changes. You voice counts. Your ‘hands on’ participation counts. Come along each month and add your support.
Visitors and new members are welcome to all meetings held on the second Thursday of each month–Membership $15 per household.
Our October meeting covered such topics as the recent TV re-tuning, update on the proposed Cooloola Cove dental surgery, future upgrade for Investigator Ave, ongoing creek and wetlands clearing, water quality monitoring etc. We wish to thank Council for the recent pothole repairs we requested. Regarding a query members have for CC walking trails; these are listed for year 8 or 9 on proposed GRC 10 year plan.
Christmas raffle launched:
First prize donated by John Deere of Gympie-is a ‘youbeaut’ 2m long child’s tractor trailer (pictured). Second prize ham and hamper. Third prize steam mop.
On sale at TCB markets / CC Woolworths selected days. Drawn Saturday 20 December at CC Woolworths. Tickets also available from Secretary or Treasurer
Notice of extraordinary meeting: 7pm, 13 November at Cooloola Cove Veterans’ Hall, corner Nautilus Drive and Santa Maria Street, Cooloola Cove.