Cooloola Cove corner upgraded

The corner of Nautilus Drive and Queen Elizabeth Drive now has new pedestrian links, seating and landscaping

The corner of Nautilus Drive and Queen Elizabeth Drive now has new pedestrian links, seating and landscaping

As you will be aware, the good work being done around the Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre, as part of the Our Towns Project, is nearing completion. It certainly has made a difference, Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends Inc thank DILGP Queensland Government, Gympie Regional Council,  the Town Planner, and those who made it happen – well done.

CCRFI have several projects they wish to research, so are always looking for new members to help. The next meeting will be held on Monday July 17, 10am, at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall.

Just a reminder that the questionnaire will likely be out, so please return to Woolworths Service Counter, thanks. Phone President Graham Langdown: 0433062906.

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