Coalition grants to Wide Bay volunteers

LNP Candidate for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien today welcomed funding from the Liberal Nationals Government’s Volunteer Grants Program to 79 local volunteer community groups.

“Volunteers do amazing work, contributing to communities in Wide Bay through a range of activities, whether it’s helping at local sporting events, fundraising, or assisting in times of emergency or natural disaster,” Mr O’Brien said.

“I’m pleased that 79 local groups supported by 1,972 volunteers will share in $307,992 from the Coalition Government that will be used to deliver services and strengthen Wide Bay.”

The Volunteers Grants Program is a $20 million Coalition Government initiative designed to recognise the valuable work undertaken by volunteers in local communities across Australia.

The grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are designed to help not?for?profit community organisations support their volunteers and deliver services through the purchase of small equipment items, reimbursement for volunteers’ fuel and transport costs or to offset the costs of training and background screening checks.

Further information on the Volunteers Grants Program, including guidelines and a list of successful applicants can be found on the Department of Social Services website at:

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