Community Archive

Feel a million dollars with Zaneta Fitzgerald: Barb Rees Zaneta Fitzgerald is in demand most weekends as a professional
Thank you Therese Young: Therese Young is a much loved member of our community who has
Choose a Melaleuca: Coral Johnson Melaleucas are a distinctly Australian species from the same family
Historic Cooloola – The old Tin Can Bay School: Annette Bailey The name Tin Can Bay conjures up many visions, but
Cooloola Coast Ambulance offer free First Aid courses: Cheryl Zunic Wow, we have received a very positive response to last
Tin Can Bay P-10 celebrates NAIDOC: Students enjoyed NAIDOC Day thanks to the wonderful support of the Indigenous
Fraser wins for the first time in 10 years!: Danny Stanieg, Principal It was a foggy start for the Rainbow Beach
Bush to Beach was FUN and a RAI$ER: Barb Rees The second Bush to Beach Gala, held at the Rainbow
Scientists blitz Cooloola: BioBlitz, a collaboration between the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation and Cooloola Coastcare
Why is August 18 recognised as Vietnam Veteran’s Day?: The Vietnam War was a long and bloody war, running from 1962