Become a ‘Citizen Scientist’ for a weekend

BioBlitz participants photographing the famous flying duck orchids at Rainbow Beach Image Sheena Gillman
Cooloola Coastcare and FIDO (the Fraser Island Defenders Organisation) will once again be hosting notable scientists from across Australia at the annual Cooloola BioBlitz on May 14-16.
You’re invited to join them as they seek to understand the nature of our unique region by exploring the Cooloola Recreation area and Inskip Point regions, visiting many biodiversity hotspots.
A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area.
For 48 hours you can join guided walks with scientists and naturalists and use your phone camera to capture photos and learn about local species of plants, animals, fungi and insects.
Your contribution to this data collection will be fun and you will learn a lot as well as contribute to the official record of species in our area.
In the past two events, 81 new species unknown to science have been discovered during the BioBlitz including spiders, moths and even a new sub-species of tree. You could be the one who makes the next big discovery!
There is also an evening program of presentations by various scientists on both Friday and Saturday nights. There are even nocturnal field trips to find frogs and other creatures of the night.
Limited tickets are available for a special Sci-art program that will feature renowned nature journal artist, Dion Dior.
The art group will learn field journal techniques in evening workshops followed by hands-on art in the field accompanied by both scientists and the art program leader.
Cooloola BioBlitz 2021 May 14-15-16
Tickets are on sale at
Younger participants 11 to 18 years can accompany an adult for free. Sorry no children under 11 for safety reasons.
Come for one day or the whole weekend.
This event is proudly sponsored by the Queensland Government through a Citizen Science Grant.