A sell out success!
Michelle Gilmore
The Festival of Small Halls is always a heartwarming experience, but doubly so this year – a very grateful crowd celebrated with top calibre live music in our own town.
Whilst Boomerang Bag volunteers barbequed a delicious alfresco dinner, Maryborough Coffee Cart and Loz from the Sports Club kept busy with beverages and everyone chatted outside before the doors opened.
We were treated to local Joel Mak’s touching originals, Karl S. Williams’ powerful talent (called the “Hairy Man with the Amazing Range” for doubly good reasons) and the goosebump-inducing harmonies of Women in Docs. There were guitars, a banjo, ukulele, keyboard and harmonica, plus a finale with all artists that had us ‘Covidly’ dancing, from our chairs.
The interval was special as well, the yummy Village Food and Events morsels flew off the cake stands.
A big thanks to all the crew from Woodfordia and Arts Queensland, the event was sponsored by Council (with a great MC) and organised by the community hall team!
We’d also like to thank local Woodford fan Brooke Bignall who, with the support of the Rainbow Beach Commerce and Tourism, first brought the festival to town in 2017. I look forward to next year!