Gympie – Your invitation to a Land for Wildlife field walk

The Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (MRCCC) cordially invites you to attend a Land for Wildlife field walk on Sunday 6 December, 2015 at renowned local Botanist Marc Russell’s property at Wilson’s Pocket. Cost is $10 per person, payable on the day. Registration and a cuppa will be available from 8.30am with the walk scheduled to begin at 9.00am.

Marc Russell will conduct a field walk through his property, with a focus on koala food trees and conserving koala habitat. Morning tea will be provided.  Please confirm your attendance for catering purposes, and to be provided with directions to the property.

Although the MRCCC receives no funding to support the Land for Wildlife Program, we are committed to providing some continuation of the program by hosting four field days/workshops each year, usually on a Sunday, at the start of each season. If there is a topic of interest that you would like to see covered or if you are willing to host a Land for Wildlife field walk on your property, please let us know. Also, to reduce costs, it would be appreciated if you could advise if you are able to receive Land for Wildlife notices via email.

To RSVP for the next field day or for more information, please phone 07 5482 4766 or call in to the MRCCC’s Resource Centre at 25 Stewart Terrace, Gympie.

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