Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan Review
The Wide Bay Burnett region is one of the most diverse regions in Queensland, boasting outstanding natural assets and resources, agricultural land, and unique townships – like ours!
The region’s agriculture, renewable energy, manufacturing, and tourism industries are key contributors to Queensland’s economy.
Like many regions across Queensland, Wide Bay Burnett is experiencing a period of significant growth and change that will bring huge opportunities for its people and businesses. The current Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan (2011) is being reviewed to ensure it best reflects the Queensland Government’s strategic direction for managing population growth and regional development.
Prepared in partnership with local governments, local industries and the broader community, the Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022 highlights the opportunities for the region over the next 25 years. The mapping for the draft regional plan can also be viewed in an interactive tool.
The Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022:
- establishes a shared vision for Wide Bay Burnett’s future and provides the steps to achieve this
- identifies and plans for the continued development of a diverse economic profile
- responds to region-specific challenges and opportunities
- informs major strategic planning and infrastructure decisions for local governments and state agency’s forward planning and delivery
- provides support for key planning directions through committed actions.
Wide Bay Burnett Region At A Glance:310,728 residents
119,745 dwellings
113,314 jobs
[as at 31 October 2022]
The region includes the local government areas of:
- Bundaberg Regional Council
- Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Gympie Regional Council
- North Burnett Regional Council
- South Burnett Regional Council.
The Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022 has a strong focus on attracting and retaining people in the region, promoting workforce opportunities, enhancing the region’s existing economic strengths while growing emerging industries, and reinforcing the region’s positive reputation for liveability and community.
It does this by providing a strengthened economic strategy for the region and identifying integrated land use and infrastructure planning responses, including actions to be delivered over the short, medium, and long term.
Community members are now invited to have their say on the Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan 2022 until 24 February 2023.
The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning are seeking feedback on all aspects of the plan including the proposed vision for the region, strategic priorities, responses and mapping.
You can have your say by answering the weekly quick polls or by making a written submission, which should:
- be made to the Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics Infrastructure,
- include the name and residential or business address of each person making the submission,
- be made in writing and, unless the submission is made electronically, be signed by each person who has made the submission,
- be made during the consultation period from Tuesday 8 November 2022 to Friday 24 February 2023.
Submission should be sent to PO Box 15009, City East QLD 4002 or via email to wbbregionalplan@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au
If you require any further information on the draft plan or to register for quick polls, then go to https://planning.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/planning-framework/plan-making/regional-planning/wide-bay-burnett-regional-plan .