Tin Can Bay Dolphin News – February 2022
School holidays combined with the extended Christmas break resulted in a busy time at the Dolphin Centre.
We averaged over 150 visitors per day so a lot of people visited the Cooloola Coast during January. Some stayed a few nights at least in Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach, or camping at Inskip Point.
We hope you enjoyed your Christmas and New Year with family as Covid rules changed for gathering.
Harmony has not visited for over four weeks. Patch is missing occasionally. Reliable Ella, Aussie, and Luna have been carrying the banner.
Remember if you are a resident of the area you are welcome to the Centre and have free admission, only paying for feeding if you wish to participate. Please indicate to the gate person that you are local and can produce some form of identification.
We open at 7am and have viewing of the dolphins until around 7.45am. Of course this depends on how many dolphins we have and how many visitors are lining up to be admitted. On really busy days we start feeding around 7.30.
See you there.
Norma Sanderson, Dolphin Volunteer Coordinator