QCWA Archive

Merry Christmas from QCWA: The core of QCWA is the bonds developed through fun and fellowship
QCWA News: Remember to keep the third Wednesday of the month free so you
95 years for QCWA: A QCWA Tin Can Bay Branch High Tea celebrated 95 years of
QCWA have a new committee and walking groups!: Guests were introduced to the new executive of the QCWA Tin Can
Cup of tea?: The Tin Can Bay Country Women’s Association (CWA) invite you to a
A day for rural women: The QCWA Tin Can Bay Branch is holding a Morning Tea on Wednesday,
Annual State Conference of QCWA: Members of Tin Can Bay branch of QCWA will have items on
Results are in for QCWA competitions: Knitting and Crochet Convenor, Joan Barnier, and Photography Convenor, Lorraine Bishop, congratulate