Charity Archive

Drink tea for diabetes!: A diabetes awareness charity morning tea with a guest speaker will be
Roaring twenties brings dollars for kids’ sport!: It is not often I go to a costume party and find
Trash, treasure, table tennis and tea: Rainbow Beach Community Centre is hosting events just for you in the
Walkers stop at Rainbow Getaway Holiday Apartments: Sydney’s Julian Day has walked the coast of NSW and now, bit
High Tea with the Dragons: Come along to a High Tea on May 16, at the Tin
Kid’s Bush to the Beach: April 1 welcomes rock ‘n’ roll!: The Rainbow Beach events group and Tin Can Bay Lions have been
Leather goods raise over $4000 for charity: If you have wandered down to the Rainbow Beach Market at the
Are you on your own this Christmas?: Tin Can Bay Community Church would like to invite you to Christmas
Rainbow Beach locals smash it at the Variety Bash: by Barb Rees Have you heard of Variety and the Variety Bash?
Gala dinner will bring kids from the bush to the beach!: Rainbow Beach Drought Runners, in conjunction with Tin Can Bay Lions, are