Something for everyone at the library

Lovers of books congregated for a special Valentine’s morning tea last month at Rainbow Beach Library
Rainbow Beach – Library Happenings – March 2017
Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm,
Saturday 9am – 12noon, 5486 3705, Visit us at:
Look at what is on in March!
Techno Thursday Classes at your library – Library eResources
Be part of the technology revolution and join one of our Techno Thursday classes. During March you can learn how to use the eresources available from your library during a free technology class. Bring along your own iPad or tablet to join in.
Techno Thursday classes will be held at all libraries, with a session at the Tin Can Bay Library on March 16, 2pm-3.30pm, phone 5486 4355 to book your spot.
The session at Rainbow Beach Library is on March 16, 10am-11.30am – Phone 5486 3705 to book your spot. Bookings are essential.
For the love of books – Rainbow Beach Book Discussion Group
Come and join us at the Rainbow Beach Library on the first Thursday of the month at 10am. No need to book, just turn up.
Share your thoughts on books – something you have read, a book you are reading, or something on your wish list. Everyone is welcome and there will be a morning tea to enjoy.
Contact the Library on 5486 3705 for more information.
Art Workshops at Rainbow Beach Library
Join us every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for art workshops by Jenny! Jenny will cover various types of art – from sketching with charcoals to painting with watercolours and acrylics – morning tea provided.
Online resources for kids
Have you discovered our great online resources for kids?
Go to our website,, and click on Kids & Youth then go to Activities and Games.
Busythings is a wonderfully quirky online educational resource! Filled with humorous characters and colourful settings, children love to play. Proven to educate and entertain – Busythings is trusted by thousands of schools and homes across the world!
Click on the link and type in your Gympie Regional Libraries card number to start playing.
The Big Bus will engage students with fun, interactive activities, designed for children from 3 to 11 years old.
The Big Bus 2.0 provides the very best interactive learning activities that reinforce classroom teaching in reading and writing, maths, and science.
Designed to make the journey of learning fun, students explore worlds, based on age-range and ability. Click on The Big Bus to start playing.
After Anna
by Alex Lake
This mystery thriller definitely kept me interested from the opening page to the last paragraph.
Five-year-old Anna is kidnapped at the end of the school day just outside the school gates of her private school. Julia, her lawyer mother, was running late to collect her, when Anna was taken.
The investigators are unable to find any clues even after a thorough door-to-door search in the area.
The strangest thing happens after one week, when Anna wanders into a shop after being dropped off at a nearby bus shelter. Anna has been totally unharmed but has no memory of where she has been for the last week.
Julia thought this was the worst nightmare she could have endured when her daughter was kidnapped, but she soon discovers that she is now the target and her nightmare has only just begun!