Sailability Hosts ABC’s Garden Guru Costa
by Sue Nugent, Sailability
Well how lucky were we that Costa has an aunt and uncle who live in the area! Costa Georgiadis (ABC Gardening Australia Guru) was in Queensland for the Nambour Garden Expo and decided to stay an extra couple of days to visit his rellies, fortunately for us his auntie is a great supporter of Sailability and asked me if she could get Costa to agree, would we like him to visit us… “Yes please”
We planned a morning tea and perhaps an hour’s chat, in the end we had more than 100 people come along and Costa stayed for over 3 hours, and he even got to have a sail in a 303.
Fortunately there was enough time to take Costa out onto the water and experience firsthand our little piece of paradise called Snapper Creek. Alan was able to give Costa the run down on how we operate and just to enjoy the peace and quiet of our stretch of water. The good news is that Costa really enjoyed himself and wants to come again next year for a return chat and enjoy another sail. Looking forward to it.
Costa entertained us with his thoughts and philosophy and even managed to talk about gardening as well as answer a few questions. We raffled some ‘liberated’ bromeliads and Costa gave us some Citrus trees to raffle.
It was a really fun morning and a terrific way to help raise some funds, so a huge Thank You Costa.
Photos by Julie Hartwig