RSL News

Bugler, Jamie Lee Griffiths, her grandfather Reverend Bruce Dorman and RSL sub-branch executive President Joe Casey led the Vietnam Veteran's Day ceremony

Bugler, Jamie Lee Griffiths, her grandfather Reverend Bruce Dorman and RSL sub-branch executive President Joe Casey led the Vietnam Veteran’s Day ceremony

by Joe Casey

Thank you to those who attended the Vietnam Veteran’s Day ceremony on August 18. It is a special day when veterans remember their mates who never came home and those both gone since and those still present.

On September 3 the Sub Branch will fly a flag, a slightly different one to the one to which we are accustomed.

From 1901 to 1954 the Red Ensign was used as the national flag by state and local governments, private organizations and individuals.

In 1941 Prime Minister Robert Menzies stated there should be no restrictions on private citizens using the Blue Ensign on land, but it wasn’t until the passage of the Flags Act in 1953 that the restriction on civilians flying the blue was lifted. After that the use of the Red Ensign on land became a rarity.

Since 2008, September 3 has been officially commemorated as both National Flag/ Merchant Navy Day which allows the Red Ensign to be flown on land as a matter of protocol.

So on that day we will remember all those who endured exceptional hardships and sacrifices, many the ultimate, on the high seas as part of the defence effort of this country as unarmed civilians. Lest We Forget.

Vietnam War Commemorative Grants
Fifty years on from the deployment of 1RAR to South Vietnam and the beginning of Australia’s combat role in the Vietnam War, the Australian Government is proud to launch a dedicated one-off grants sub-programme to help the community recognise the contribution of Australian servicemen and women who served our country during the Vietnam conflict.

The Vietnam War Commemorative Grants programme has been established under the Saluting Their Service commemorations programme for 2015–16, and will provide one-off funding of between $4,000 and $20,000 for community-based projects and activities that directly commemorate any aspect of the Vietnam War under the theme of ‘camaraderie’. Examples of projects that may be considered for funding include commemorative events and reunions.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Senator the Hon. Michael Ronaldson said “For too long this part of our war history went unacknowledged, but now we have an opportunity to respectfully commemorate our Vietnam veterans and educate Australian communities about the hardships these servicemen and women faced during the War, as well as upon and after their return home.”

The grant programme will open for funding on September 14 and closes at 5pm October 31, 2015.


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