Register for the Aussie Bird Count!
Go to and register for this year’s Aussie Bird Count being held from 17 to 23 October 2022.
Taking part is easy!
To complete the Aussie Bird Count, simply spend 20 minutes standing or sitting in one spot and noting down the birds that you see.
You will need to count the number of each species you spot within the 20 minute period. For example, you might see 4 Australian Magpies, 2 Rainbow Lorikeets, and a Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo.
If you can identify birds by their calls, please include these in your count, but if you aren’t sure of a bird without seeing it, please exclude it rather than making a guess. The Aussie Bird Count app has a handy field-guide to help you identify birds.
Once you have completed your count, you can submit it in two different ways:
- You can submit your bird count through the online web form (this form won’t be made live until the 14 October)
- You can submit your counts through the free Aussie Bird Count app. The app is available for iPhones and Android smartphones, go to the Google Play or iTunes to download the app for free. If you have the Aussie Bird Count app from previous years don’t delete it, it should update automatically with the newest version. In between event dates, the app operates as a field-guide/bird finder.
The Aussie Bird Count is open to everyone – from complete beginners to certified birds-nerds! If you aren’t confident in identifying local birds, you can download the Aussie Bird Count app which has a great field guide function for identifying birds based on their size, colour and key features.