RB Community Information and Resource Centre
May has proved to be an enjoyable month with business at the centre being brisk.
The Charity Morning Tea was very successful with over 45 people participating in the activities. A special thank you to Rainbow Beach Bakery for their donations, Lexie and Betty for their contributions to the Goose Raffle and to all volunteers and others for providing food and time to make the morning such a success. Melanoma Research and FA will be the recipients of the monies raised.
Soundwaves was held on Sunday and was enjoyed by those whom attended, there were several Rainbow participants – it was a fun afternoon.
Positions were filled at the AGM. We all look forward to a successful new year.
New Recruits are urgently needed to join our committee with several volunteers going on holidays in the next months. Do you have three hours a day to man the centre? We would love to see you.
Markets: These are being held fortnightly, second and fourth Saturday in the centre block.