Rainbow hosts moving Veteran’s Day service

Greg Walker chats to new RBCN owner Rhyll Davis about her deep personal ties to Vietnam Veteran’s Day
The grey clouds parted just in time for the start of the truly wonderful, heartfelt and emotional service hosted by the Rainbow Beach RSL Sub-Branch at the Cenotaph to commemorate this year’s Veterans Day.
All present were moved to honour and remember the sacrifices and service of those Australians who have served their country during peace, peacekeeping missions and war, and the impact of service on our veterans’ families.
“All gave some, and some gave all.”
Veterans Day was originally known as Long Tan Day, chosen to commemorate the men of D Company 6RAR, who fought in the Battle of Long Tan in 1966 during the Vietnam War. This year marks the 55th Anniversary of that battle.
Local Sub-Branch Vice President Mr David Collins is a veteran of Long Tan.
Veterans’ Day is an opportunity for us all to pause and reflect on the bravery, teamwork and endurance that Australians displayed throughout the Vietnam War. We remember the sacrifices of those who died and say thank you to the almost 60,000 Australians who served during the 10 years of our involvement in the conflict.
Some extra special presentations were made at the Surf Club after the service, with Quilts of Valour representatives Barbara and Bill Kenny awarding beautiful handmade quilts to locals Joe Casey (Army), Barry Hogan (RAAF), Greg Walker (RAAF), and Pam Dorman on behalf of her late husband Rev Bruce Dorman’s service.
The quilts are presented to selected service members and veterans of the ADF in recognition of their sacrifice for Australia whilst deployed on combat operations.