Plenty of fish in the sea!
The recent school holidays brought with them some beautiful days which we are still experiencing. What a great place to live!
Inshore conditions have been great with good supplies of sand and mud crabs, plus squid and Whiting are still keeping everyone entertained.
Large green Toad Fish love to crunch squid jigs, so make sure that you have a few spares of your favourite colour on board and be prepared to move.
Flathead fishing on the flats has been a bit tough due to the crystal clear water, but those who have been moving further out from the mangroves, while changing to a heavier head giving them longer casts, have been seeing more positive results.
Offshore there are plenty of reports of big Pearl Perch, Sweetlip, Spanish Mackerel and some quality Red Emperor.
Snapper and Pearl Perch spawning closure
Snapper and Pearl Perch will be no-take species in Queensland waters for one month.The closure is part of the urgent management actions, which included:
- a total allowable commercial catch of 42 tonnes (snapper) and 15 tonnes (pearl perch);
- reduced recreational catch limits of pearl perch from five to four;
- an increase in Pearl Perch size limit from 35 to 38 cm;
- the removal of extended charter trip increased possession limits; and
- a recreational boat limit of 8 snapper, which is two times the individual possession limit.
If you do catch a Snapper or Pearl Perch during the closure, it is important to handle the fish carefully, dehook it appropriately, and release it as soon as possible. Snapper may also need to be treated for barotrauma. The closure ends at 11.59 pm on August 15, with normal fishing rules applying after that time.
Tin Can Bay Fishing Club member, Jane Potter, won the prize pack donated by EJ Todd, in the free to enter competition recently conducted by the Tin Can Bay Chandlery Bait and Tackle – nice one Jane!
The Club is slowly adjusting to the new normal and our next Club General Meeting will be held at 4pm on Monday August 10 at the Club House.
Unfortunately the August meeting will be for Club members only, given the current social distancing restrictions. For any information in relation to membership or just general information please contact the secretary: M: 0437 242-171. Email:
Stay safe.