Normie Rowe visits the dolphins
by Norma Sanderson, Volunteer
September produced ideal weather for all our visitors to the Dolphin Centre. We often have celebrities visiting the Centre and in September we had Normie Rowe visit.
He was impressed and was hoping that the opportunity to feed these dolphins will be in place for generations to come.
Boaties and fishermen are to be reminded also to not encourage and feed the dolphins from boats. This is a very serious illegal practice and will impact on the Dolphins’ viability.
To allow dolphins to be fed at the Centre involved a lot of strict guidelines set down by the EPA and Marine Parks, so we hope the public respects this and adhere to the many signs which are in place at Carlo and Tin Can Bay.
The feeding program is a big tourist draw card for Tin Can Bay and it is sad that some local residents abuse the cafe and Dolphin staff because they can’t do as they wish on the premises. This negative practice reflects on our position of being a beautiful friendly town.
The Barnacles Cafe and Dolphin feeding site is leased, which includes the beach area and jetty, and the owners have jurisdiction over these areas. Please adhere to the many signs in place. They are there for a reason.
See you at the Dolphins.