Library Happenings – March 2023
Australian Reading Hour at Tin Can Bay Library
Thursday 9 March 3pm-4:30pm – Tin Can Bay
Come into Tin Can Bay Library and find one of the special reading spaces created for Australian Reading Hour.
Bookings not necessary
Author Talk with Shelley Hansen
Friday 17 March 10am – Gympie
Friday 17 March 2pm – Tin Can Bay
Join us as local author Shelley Hansen talks about her new book and her writing journey.
A fifth-generation resident of the Fraser Coast, Shelley is an award-winning writer. Her traditional Australian poetry and short stories have won numerous prizes both nationally and internationally. She and her husband Rod perform at regional events and feature as regular guests on ABC Local Radio Wide Bay. She has a book of poetry and an audio CD to her credit.
Her debut novel Sonnets from The Sheoaks, published in 2022, has been described as ‘a touching, historically accurate and compelling narrative’.
Bookings are essential: phone 5481 0859 (Gympie) 5486 4355 (Tin Can Bay) or visit
Dr. Seuss Day Story time
Thursday 2 March 10am-11am – Gympie
Goomeri Library – Thursday 2 March 12noon-1pm – Goomeri
Mondays in March 9.30am-10.30am – Rainbow Beach
Join the celebrations with this fun story time and craft activity inspired by the amazing and funny characters created by Dr. Seuss. Ideal for ages 3 and up.
Bookings not necessary
Digital Tools for Disasters
Friday 10 March 10am-11am – Gympie
This course aims to help people increase their preparedness for a disaster or emergency by connecting with simple online tools and social media.
It covers digital skills to use emergency apps, access current and reliable information online and maintain contact with friends, family and emergency services. The course also introduces simple apps and tools for different parts of Australia.
Bookings are essential: phone 5481 0859 or visit
Rain & Resilience: Floods that make history
Thursday 2 March 10am-11am – Gympie
A year on from the biggest flood in our living memory, we take a look back on the history of our flooding rains.
From the earliest recorded flood in the Goldfields, to the biggest flood of 1893, we look back on the most significant floods that have impacted our region.
Bookings are essential: phone 5481 0859 or visit
Build your CV
Thursday 9 March 4pm-5pm – Gympie
This course is for people who want to build their CV from scratch or give their existing CV a quick refresh.
It will cover the key components of a great CV and share tips for making it stand out from the crowd. Participants will get a better understanding of how to talk about and showcase their strengths, skills and experience. The course also includes tips on digital tools which can help build a CV.
Bookings are essential: phone 5481 0859 or visit