Hundreds of Happy Heart Walks to Celebrate!

The Wheelie Walkers have started researching the plants they see on their walks – such as native tuckeroo (Cupaniopsis anacardioides), which was City Farm’s Plant of the Month in the October issue of the Community News.
Welcome to new members: Annette, Jane, Kellie, Kerri, Lorraine, Sandra, Steve, and Yvonne
We are so proud of two foundation members of ‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’, Joan Barnier and Linda Murphy, still actively participating in Heart Foundation Walking.
Both Linda and Joan have achieved their 100 walks, thereby receiving their reward, which includes a 100 Walks pin badge. Congratulations and well done, too, to Jan Greenalgh also clocking up her first 100 walks!
Recently the ‘Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers’ began nature study with Joan, who researches names of plants and trees we see during our walks, for example the native tuckeroo (see photo), or the blue flax lily.
A fortnight ago Judy Kiddle quipped: “Not only has Maggie lost her hair, but she’s lost her red cap too!” after a mulberry tree whose branches are overhanging the path, whipped it off my head, without my realising at the time. (See article on page ***** on a recent Cancer Council fundraiser for an explanation of Maggie’s lack of hair!)
The Tin Can Bay walkers meet Wednesdays and Saturdays outside the Tin Can Bay Bakery: Early group now that it is summer, leaves at 6am, the later group at 6.30am. Sometimes within these two groups, several people, accompanied by a Walk Organiser, will walk in a different direction, or take a shorter route.
Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers meet at 8am on Mondays and Fridays at the Nautilus Drive Bus Shelter outside the Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre.
Queries? Contact Judy Kiddle 5486 2181 or myself. Why don’t you join us?
Walk Yourself Happy! It’s free, fun and a great way to improve our physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
Maggie Travers, Walk Organiser 0400 756 615