Flower Show For Vital Funds

Jeff Munro (A/OIC Cooloola Coast at the time) demonstrating the Camel Chair purchased with funds raised by CCLAC
The Cooloola Coast Local Ambulance Committee (LAC) recently purchased a Mangar Camel Lifting Chair for use by our paramedics to assist in sitting up and lifting a fallen patient. The chair is portable and inflatable and offers a fully supportive lift that is comfortable for the patient.
Last year we purchased two Raizer Chairs which can also be used to assist the paramedics in dealing with a patient who has fallen. These chairs enable the paramedics to raise a patient from the floor with minimal impact on both parties.
The LAC is very pleased with the positive feedback from the ambulance officers as to the benefits this equipment has provided in carrying out their duties.
The annual Flower Show, as well as our weekly bingo sessions, provide the funds which the committee needs to be able to support the paramedics with aids such as the chairs.
This year, the Flower Show will be held on Saturday 30 September. The show as usual will be in the Tin Can Bay Community Centre and will open at 9am.
Entries for the plant and flower sections can be delivered to the Centre on Friday 29 September between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. Entries for the photography section should be left at the Fruit and Veg Shop in Tin Can Bay or the Rainbow Beach Library by Monday 25 September.
Entry forms will be available at both libraries and also selected retail outlets.
So please come along for an enjoyable outing and help us to continue to support our ambulance officers in their important work.
Cheryl Zunic