Explore, taste and experience during GourMAY
Foodies from far and wide need to get their taste buds ready with the whole month of May dedicated to celebrating the Gympie Region’s delicious local produce, dining and food experiences from local producers and businesses.
GourMay – Eat Local Month, will launch at the Gympie Town Centre Growers Market, Wednesday 3 May from 7am in Memorial Park Gympie.
There will be cooking demonstrations featuring tasty ways with our local produce by Gympie Region’s official Food and Food Tourism Ambassador, Matt Golinski, and an outside broadcast by Nugget and Al of Zinc 96.1.
In Rainbow Beach, come along to the school kitchen garden open morning between 10am and 12noon on Friday May 26. The cost is $5 per person which includes tours of the garden by students and Devonshire tea. There will be plants and seeds for sale.
Gympie Regional Council’s Mayor, Mick Curran, said, “The Gympie Region is a vibrant contributor to Queensland’s food and agribusiness sector, and Eat Local Month is an opportunity for our residents and businesses to showcase and celebrate all that we have to offer.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to promote our region as a key destination for food-related tourism and major events in Queensland, and initiatives like these demonstrate how productive, creative and diverse our region is,” he said.
Throughout May there will be a tantalising menu of events and activities catering to all ages and tastes, including the month’s signature event the 5Chef’s Long Table Lunch, Goomeri Pumpkin Festival, Gympie Show, Gympie Garden Expo and much more.
Restaurants in the region are also getting on board and will be displaying the Gympie Gold Regional Produce symbol on menus and signature GourMAY dishes that celebrate the theme of explore, taste and experience.
“This is your chance to support local farmers, producers and food businesses in the region in true farm-to-fork style,” he said.
What has been shared here is just a small piece of the pie, so for more information go to www.gympieregionalproduce.com.au, follow @GympieRegionalProduce on Facebook or call 1300 307 800.